
pretty easy !! Manage to skate in 1 day

        i think this is the main question to many " how to skate in 1-3 days ?" sure that someone keeps telling you "must try harder and harder" "falling is nothing" bla bla bla  of course it works in a long run 
       BUT i now share you some tricks,make it simple and if you get the point you will be able to skate within 1 day!!

Do you know why can't we ride the roller blade at first time?

there are 2 main factors !!

firstly -- muscle & body experience

        ankle + muscle strength not good enough causing your feet are inside or outside edge all the time (and maybe fall or get the ankle sprain if you get a bad quality roller blade)

secondly --speed
         the smoothness of bearing /the running wheels .let's just say the smoother the bearing the harder the control.

          Problem is you are facing that 2 things in the same time for newbie you can't control 2 factors in the same time

the easy way is that you get rid of one of those aha ,

are you with me so far??

so this is the thing you need


         STANDING and Walking (V-shape) on grass gives you so much helping .it will stop the wheels from running so you can pay attention to control  your ankle,spend 10-15 mins to  walk until your ankle is in the straight position or walk longer until you earn enough body control   meaning your body and balance system are nearly okay !!

**when you feel more comfortable  , try doing 1-leg standing  switch between left and right and stand on 1-leg as long as you can.

you don't worry about hurt from falling while on the grass ,that's cool !!

           STRIDING is the next step .just pretending you are riding a roller blade on flat floor ,this step helps you to know how will the wheels work
and let's the body and sense get used to that movement

at lease 30min - 1 hr grass training .I  insist 

R U OK now ?? let's go to the next step

how to start riding on the flat floor


Invest skate Invest life ....good thing you get from rollerskate

i believe many people may consider roller skate is something childish or just a toy even non sense !!

hmm that's just "the way of thinking" a bit negative as i am sure that there is a good reason for everything that exists in this world 

if you can not retrieve all benefit from thing you have   roller skate is not different from a piece of junk.

but while you have that idea , someone may earn something good or million a month from roller skate business.

here are some benefits 
- great fun
- roller blade helps building muscle and joint
- fit and firm
- improve children physical ability
- improve balance especially kids before 7yrs
- good for diet
- better than running ( no high pressure on knee joint )
- improve attention span
- improve associate movement

beside good point for human body there are more benefits to business also
- roller skate boy service in department store
- speed officer
- roller cops
- waiter and waitress 
- skate shop
- skate school
- skate rink 
- activities and competition    
- affiliate business


Ready Set..Go

         all you need before riding your rollerblade is only 1 word ----->SAFETY

as roller skate comes along with speed and gravity we might face serious falling every minute

for kids there is a chance for fully recovery but for an adult maybe no second chance
wow so cool she is ready for roller blading !!

so those are some needed item you must have

- helmet
- protection gear (6pcs hands,elbows and knee pads)
- and quality skate




even thought you do have all protection gear set .but you still have to remember that falling backward while rollerblading still can cause painful or injury .so bend slightly forward to prevent that.

re-check all skate locking part and system
skate is fun !


improve your roller skate performance

               2 weeks ago , i went back to chiangmai ,my hometown but i went to the place never been before ,in the deep of forest and mountain .there is an elephant foundation , i spent all day to be a volunteer caring ,bathing ,feeding the most beautiful and gentle creature  in this world.
                 All are injured elephant caused by human . i can't imagine how cruel human are !? we are powerful creature ,we must protect not destroy them.
the best moment in my life
come back to the skate issue again , last time we talk about the fitness skate weak point
so today we are going to talk about "how to improve your fitness skate performance" by correcting  the weakness points .

there are 2 steps

1. Remove the skate heel break by reducing the length of total frame is greatly helpful ,do not hesitate to do so and if you do have a question about breaking without heel break ,let's continue with next chapter

how to remove

2. Change the wheels pattern
- check the original wheel size printed on wheels

example .. if the original size is 76mm so you have to change the front and last wheel in to 72mm ( 2mm smaller)

---->  72 ,76 , 76 , 72 mm

or if the original wheels size is 80mm

---->  76 , 80 , 80 , 76 mm

Only this 2 steps you will find it very easy to ride and control,unlike your old skate !
high skate performance with only small adaptation easy huh? it will change your all skate experience

it really works

enjoy your rollerblading

3 things must know "roller skate parts"

today i will show you the all important parts of roller skate name so that you can check it step by step

let 's see skate outer

1.1 normal roller
roller blade main parts

1.2 adjustable roller
all details are the same as upper  but there is one thing special in adjustable skate is the trigger for making smaller or bigger ( comes in different form and design )

1.3 semi-pro or pro model
one of the most important parts in pro-model skate is "toe strap" helping you to perform high trick such as "toe running"  or "toe spin"

2.skate inner

3.mobile part  you may take this part as the engine of the car

3.1 frame
detail on frame will tell you the max wheel diameter to use with

3.2 wheels

3.3 bearing and others

all aluminum parts will give you a satisfied speed

it's very important for you to know that as it's the first step to know that skate in your hand is good or not.


3 weaknesss about fitness roller skate

all friends , anyone of you ever come to thailand ?
in thailand there are so much interesting  including amazing things making you confused sometime ha ha ha .let's check it out yourself and if you come and face any trouble feel free to contact me.

now raining everyday .hot and wet that's it !!
so we can't do some skate recently  as we don't have indoor skate ring ( used to ) however we are lucky there are many ice rings in bangkok ,hmm nice

the rink arena at central rama 9 
today we are going to look insight into "fitness style roller skate" especially the weak point blocking your high performances !!

first point

it's the long frame + heel break this length is killing me , i play freestyle slalom so the frame length only 237-243mm ( absolutely no heel break )

imagine when you perform "cross over" tricks ,with fitness skate am sure you will find it difficult ,very difficult then fall definitely and easily

and one thing more with frame is that "the frame position is locked" so you can't correct the "inside edge" or "outside edge" issue
that's bad huh

frame position is blocked
for many rollerblade models coming with "plastic frame"

the picture already shows the huge different of frame

            the boot is too soft like a sport shoes,wearing fitness skate makes you feel comfortable(unfit) yet really hard to control as the boot' s shape keeps changing  caused from body weight ,and yes the shape of your feet change the form of boots also "causing inside or outside edge standing"
soft boot has problem as it's soft

when you run with high speed by wearing unfit shoes that's horrible !!

wheels pattern.you can say  flat wheel" meaning use the same size of wheels giving full friction from the ground .every time you turn the direction you must fight hard
for slalom we use "rokering style" by putting small wheels in front and last position

with this wheels pattern allow skaters to perform high trick level like spin,toe spin,toe toe spin

hmm i think that's enough for major weak point of "fitness roller skate"

enjoy your day enjoy rollerblading !!

your skate ,your style ,the type of your shoes

Am talking about real roller skate or roller blade but not a toy with wheels so there are 4 skate types

fitness one , i have seen many using fitness style as easy to find and buy , one character  telling you that is fitness skate is " HEEL BRAKE"

you might think heel break is useful , maybe wrong !!but we talk about that later !!

next is aggressive skate
BIG , FAT ,TOUGH,JUMP AND FALL is the best explanation.. lol

however you need ramp to play with

Speed..yes if you are speed lover , you gonna love this the fastest skate of all

with 9-10cm diameter wheel size ,you can enjoy an incredible speed like "road runner"but with a long frame and giant wheel you loose "flexibility"

and here comes the last one ..slalom skate to me this is the best for everyone ,stunning speed ,nice boots,best performance and flexible ,let's just say it's my recommendation !!

slalom skate for multipurpose use ( comes with hard boot )

slalom skate for real slalom lover ( leather boot with carbon fiber )

this is why i told you it's the best for every one ,check the clips out and you will know "performance"



In general
there are 3 types of roller skate products available for you to buy

first - cheap price and quality
second - bad to normal quality but high price

third - best quality + hi-end price

the first 2 kinds are very easy to find,and almost all decide to get this type
since people don't know what standard skate must have!!??

so!!?? what's wrong with those 2 kind ?
as i say bad start brings you bad experience !!

Bad experience lists
- bad ankle support --> ankle bending
- bad weight bearing --> broken frame, easy to fall leads to ankle sprains
- low speed --> as using plastic frame and inner part
- noisy sound --> low quality material
- hard to maintenance
- expensive

what !!??

Expensive ,you heard me right . if you pay money on something suck ,to me it's expensive

people enjoy skating as speed and wind, but lemme ask you a question if skate cannot give you that desired speed and feeling will you love and enjoy it !?

some of my students ,decide to use only cheap one and refuse to change a good one but they keep questioning about the differences of speed comparing to  the other students  ( running like a wind )

later --> get bored --> and quit

easy explanation

only standard quality can give you that

i don't tell you to invest in an expensive shoes,not that

so take a little bit of time to get all sharing experiences before making a decision.


Hi world

"SUNNY" please call me that , i've lived in thailand for many years in the country that the sunny so strong.

Everyday i spend 2-3 hours flying on my roller skate at the park with many kids also they are beloved student .

Nearly 10 years that roller blade is become one part of my life ,can't believe my eyes i started from nothing then become "skate slalomer" "skate coach""skate competition promoter" "thailand roller blade provider" and "skate OEM manufacturer"

from 1 to many from thailand to the world

wow !! to me it's so amazing ,that's really a long story

so i decide to write down all of my skate stories to share every knowledge and experience with everyone who love to skate or any out door adventurre to share with the world 

welcome to my world

welcome to "the world of freestyle"