
pretty easy !! Manage to skate in 1 day

        i think this is the main question to many " how to skate in 1-3 days ?" sure that someone keeps telling you "must try harder and harder" "falling is nothing" bla bla bla  of course it works in a long run 
       BUT i now share you some tricks,make it simple and if you get the point you will be able to skate within 1 day!!

Do you know why can't we ride the roller blade at first time?

there are 2 main factors !!

firstly -- muscle & body experience

        ankle + muscle strength not good enough causing your feet are inside or outside edge all the time (and maybe fall or get the ankle sprain if you get a bad quality roller blade)

secondly --speed
         the smoothness of bearing /the running wheels .let's just say the smoother the bearing the harder the control.

          Problem is you are facing that 2 things in the same time for newbie you can't control 2 factors in the same time

the easy way is that you get rid of one of those aha ,

are you with me so far??

so this is the thing you need


         STANDING and Walking (V-shape) on grass gives you so much helping .it will stop the wheels from running so you can pay attention to control  your ankle,spend 10-15 mins to  walk until your ankle is in the straight position or walk longer until you earn enough body control   meaning your body and balance system are nearly okay !!

**when you feel more comfortable  , try doing 1-leg standing  switch between left and right and stand on 1-leg as long as you can.

you don't worry about hurt from falling while on the grass ,that's cool !!

           STRIDING is the next step .just pretending you are riding a roller blade on flat floor ,this step helps you to know how will the wheels work
and let's the body and sense get used to that movement

at lease 30min - 1 hr grass training .I  insist 

R U OK now ?? let's go to the next step

how to start riding on the flat floor

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